About Us

Vision & Governance

The Fleurieu Regional Waste Authority (FRWA) is an authority formed by the member councils of the Fleurieu Peninsula in South Australia in order to manage their waste and recycling. Those member councils are:

FRWA is a fine example of local governments working together to achieve efficiencies across boundaries.
FRWA is capturing the best practices brought over from its member councils: reducing waste going to landfill, increasing recycling, and promoting a cleaner and healthier environment for today and tomorrow.

Under its Charter, FRWA is responsible for providing and operating waste management services on behalf of the four constituent Councils. This includes the operation of the region’s waste transfer stations and the provision of waste, recycling and green waste kerbside collection services, as well as public litter and event bin collections.

FRWA Vision & Governance

A three-bin domestic collection service is in place for urban areas and there is a two-bin system in rural areas, to encourage and support recycling.

As of February 2010 all four Councils and the FRWA Board adopted the FRWA Charter, Strategic Plan and Business Plan. 

The FRWA Business Plan also guides the Board and the Management Team in delivering the Fleurieu Regional Waste Management Strategy endorsed by the constituent Councils. It sets the framework for a shared services model that meets the future challenge of waste management for Local Government in the Fleurieu Region.

FRWA is governed by a seven member Board comprising an Independent Chair person, a representative from each Council and two independent members. 

Councils Working Together